Longform Tutorials
As much as I like sticking to the short, single paragraph+gif format, now and then stuff probably requires a longer format. Those sort of things will end up here, but truth be told I forgot this intro page existed! It's been replaced by the 'longform' menu above.
The tutorials
- JoyOfVex - 20 mins a day, for 20 days, and you too can be a vex master. Well, probably not, but its a modular dive into vex that should be good for anyone mostly comfortable with sops, dabbled in vops, and wants to make the leap into vex.
- ConstraintNetworks - Not a lot of info in the houdini docs about this powerful side of RBD, little walkthrough from simple to complex setups.
- ConstraintNetworks2 - Take the previous section, and add animation to the mix, allowing for wind in leaves and animating little creatures.
- Points and Verts and Prims - A source of confusion for new users (especially if coming from another package), hopefully this clears things up.
- ForLoops - Feedback, merge, iterations, all the things.
- The solver sop - One of Houdini's handy tricks that takes a little getting used to, but can achive all sorts of fun things (and forms a good gateway into dops, especially some of the more esoteric things you can do in dops).
- Smoke and Pyro - A brain dump of all the smoke and volume related things I've learned over the past few months.
- HoudiniVex - Quickstart guide to Vex, starting the basics of getting and setting attributes, then a few interesting examples with line-by-line explanations.
- Rest Attrib - What is it, and what you can do with it.
- Copy, Stamps, Rotation, Hscript, Vex, a ramble - Why stamps should be avoided, how to control rotation of copies, and how to keep houdini fast.
- CurveUnrollTutorial - Bit of a walkthrough of how to setup an unroll effect.